Hydrophobicated slabs

Because of their unique qualities, hydrophobicated slabs are increasingly becoming a preferred option for weatherproofing roofs. Because of their efficient water-repellent design, these slabs are a great advantage in locations that frequently experience heavy snowfall or rain. These slabs can stop water seeping through and causing damage by coating conventional roofing materials like concrete or tiles with a hydrophobic coating, which is usually made of silicones or fluoropolymers.

By changing the material’s surface tension, hydrophobicated slabs prevent water from being absorbed by causing it to roll off and bead up instead. This lessens the possibility of mold, mildew, and water stains in addition to preserving the roof’s structural integrity. These slabs offer an additional layer of defense against moisture penetration in areas with erratic weather patterns, such as sudden downpours or snowmelt.

Hydrophobicated slabs are commended for their resilience and low maintenance needs in addition to their protective qualities. The hydrophobic coating doesn’t need to be reapplied often after it has been applied for a few years. Because of their durability, they are an affordable option for companies and homeowners who want to increase the life of their roofs while requiring less maintenance.

The increasing need for environmentally friendly building methods has led to the emergence of hydrophobicated slabs as a viable choice. These slabs can improve insulation effectiveness and save energy by reducing water absorption. Furthermore, the application of hydrophobic coatings frequently corresponds with green building certifications, emphasizing their part in ecologically responsible building methods.

"When it comes to roofing materials, hydrophobicated slabs are a state-of-the-art way to improve weather resistance and durability. These specially treated slabs are designed to effectively repel water, reducing the possibility of water damage and extending the life of roofing materials. Homeowners and professionals can protect their roofs from inclement weather and environmental challenges by making educated decisions by knowing the advantages and uses of hydrophobicated slabs."

Where hydrophobized mineral wool is used?

Products made from mineral wool are abundant. But different building projects call for different kinds of materials. For example, the underground portions of the building are insulated with hydrophobized mineral wool.

The use of hydrophobized mineral wool

A plate’s thickness ranges from 3 to 10 cm. Additionally, pay attention to the information provided in the code if you require hydrophobized mineral wool. Less rigid material can be used for the thermal insulation of basement or three-layer foundation walls. The truth is that a wall layer is separating the hydrophobic basalt insulation in this instance.

Ground floor insulation can also be made of hydrophobic basalt insulation. Applying mineral wool that has more moisture resistance is the best option in this situation. Typically, concrete is covered with thermal insulation material for soil-based floors. The use of more rigid plates will be appropriate. Also, a 15-centimeter insulation layer will prove to be a significant barrier against the cold.

There shouldn’t be a single line connecting the transverse joints between the plates. Mineral wool is layered with a building film. And already, they apply a concrete screed to it, occasionally strengthened with a reinforcing net. On the prepared base, any type of flooring can be installed.

Methods of insulation with mineral insulation

There are various insulation techniques. Attaching the material to the wall and decorating it with plaster is one of them. In this instance, the insulation’s thickness shouldn’t go over 15 cm. Horizontal rows are in front of the slabs.

Dowels and special glue are the materials used to secure them. It is forbidden to have slots between the plates; instead, they must have a completely flat surface. Frame walls are one way to insulate using this technique.

The second technique involves attaching to the frame’s outer walls (made of steel, wood, or PVC) and installing insulation between its components before lining the facade (using siding, for example). Place insulation between the frame’s components that is at least 12 centimeters thick. Use dowels to fix it. Additionally, they leave a 2-3 cm space between the insulation and the casing.

In what applications is mineral wool hydrophobized? its primary attributes. techniques for insulating with minerals to the surface

Moisture -resistant groove slabs

A primary focus of the Vitoria Group of Companies is the manufacturing, distribution, and retail of standard, moisture-resistant (hydrophobic) grooves.

Their primary distinction lies in whether or not they can absorb moisture, and consequently, in the application domain. Hydrophobic additives are added to the formation mass during the manufacturing of moisture-resistant plates, if standard PGPs are intended for use in rooms with a dry and normal moist regime. This allows the products to be used in high humidity conditions.

The docking and supporting surfaces have grooves and rowers, which make it possible to quickly and easily install the built structures. This allows for the creation of groove slabs. In rooms with a humid mode (humidity above 60%), light walls and interior partitions are arranged using hydrophobic grooves.

Green is the designated marking color for moisture-resistant grooves.


Quality certificate for hydrophobized plate gypsum grooves, TU 5742-001-05292444-05:

  • Size 667x500x80mm
  • Conducting designation PLGG – 667x500x80
  • The strength of the samples of samples-beams dried to constant mass, size 40x40x160:
  • With a bend of at least 24 kgf/cm²
  • When compressed at least 50 kgf/cm²

Production of moisture -resistant PGP

Hydrophobic grooves are created using a unique construction gypsum that is produced by processing naturally occurring gypsum. The following steps make up the hooks of the production of moisture-resistant PGP:

  • mixing gypsum powder;
  • adding to the formation mass of plasticizing and hydrophobic additives;
  • Power of mass in metal shapes;
  • expectation of complete hardening of products;
  • Drying of finished slabs.

It is safe and environmentally friendly to use this type of building material because no toxic materials are used in the production of grooves.


Given their many beneficial consumer attributes, hydrophobic grooves are advantageously released against the typical backdrop of building materials used to construct interior partitions. The following are the key benefits of moisture-resistant PGP:

  • ease and simplicity of installation – installation is carried out by gluing;
  • high performance – one worker is able to mount per shift (8 hours) of about 30 m² of structures from grooves;
  • Minimum water absorption – special hydrophobic additives make moisture -resistant grooves to immune to increased environmental humidity, which allows them to be used where other materials are powerless;
  • Lack of need for plastering – PGP have a perfectly flat surface, so they do not need additional finishing work; After sealing the seams and grinding, the erected partitions are completely ready for painting, cladding with ceramic tiles or wallpaper gluing;
  • Holy processing – grooves can be easily milling, sawing, strict, nail, which significantly facilitates the laying of pipes and communications cables;
  • Saving the useful area -interior partition from PGP stamps thinner than brick, so it allows you to save about 3% of the area (approximately 2 m² in an apartment of 65 m²);
  • Fire resistance -grooves are made of non-combustible material, so they withstand the direct effect of fire for 4 hours;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties.

When interior partitions are required in a room with high humidity, moisture-resistant grooves are the ideal option.

KNAUF -hypnopsy, hydrophobicated

KNAUF-hydrophobic hypsopyplite Hydrophobicated KNAUF-Hypsoptic (resistant to moisture). finishing material for construction.

KNAUF Gypsum groove slabs, or hipsoplits, are monolithic products with a high degree of accuracy and a groove joint that resemble rectangular parallelepipeds.

KNAUF Using specific additives to the molding mass that lessen water absorption, gypsum binder is used in the casting technology process to create Hypsoplit.

Plates that are hydrophobic are clearly green in color.

In rooms with high humidity (above 60%), KNAUF Hypsolete is used for the installation of partitions, non-combat walls, and cladding of enclosing structures.

There are multiple steps in the installation process:

  • Preparation of the base;
  • execution of the layout of the position of the partition on the floor;
  • using a plumb line, transferring marking to the walls and ceiling;
  • removal of the crest from the first row slabs;
  • applying putty to the marked position of the partition;
  • installation of the slab of the first row;
  • checking the level of evenness of the styling;
  • Installation of plates of subsequent rows with the addition of glue to a vertical end groove;
  • Finishing the resulting surface.

Using a dry putty mixture of KNAUF-FEN is required (recommended) when attaching cork elastic gaskets to the enclosing structures as a mounting glue when laying KNAUF-gypsum.

If required, the KNAUF Hypsoplit’s surface can be plastered using gypsum plasters after the primer KNAUF-COTCOTACT has been processed first.

Pallets are used for the packaged transportation of plates.

Plates should be loaded, unloaded, transported, and stored with precautions taken to prevent damage and moisture. Bulk loading and unloading of plates with discharge are prohibited.

  • KNAUF gypsopyplite has increased moisture resistance.
  • High quality of the facial surface of the hydrophobized KNAUF-gypsums allows you to exclude the process of plastering of ready-made surfaces.
  • The use of plates reduces the cost of plastering work.
  • After processing the joints, the surface is suitable for painting, pasting with wallpaper and tiles cladding.
  • The material is non -combustible.
  • Plates do not contain toxic components and substances.
  • Products have high steam and gas permeability.
  • Have acidity, similar to human skin acidity (pH 5.5), they have no smell at all and are a dielectric.
  • Easily amenable to mechanical processing.
  • The mass of gypsum storms is 667x500x80 mm: 28kg;
  • The mass of gypsums in size 667x500x100 mm: 37kg;
  • The weight of the gypsum in size is 900x300x80 mm: 24kg;
  • Density: not more than 1250 kg/m;
  • compression strength limit: 5.0 MPa;
  • The strength of the strength during bend: 2.4 MPa;
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient, L A: 0.29 W/m ° C;
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient, L B: 0.35 W/m ° C;
  • vacation humidity: not more than 12 %;
  • Specific effective activity of radionuclides: no more than 370 BK/kg;
  • combustibility: NG group;
  • Water absorption of hydrophobized plates: no more than 5 %;
  • Packaging, heat -shaped film: pallet, 5 m 2, 10 m 2 (80 mm), 4 m 2 8 m 2 (100 mm).

Dimensions under technical circumstances:

  • Thickness A: 80 mm;
  • width B: 500 mm;
  • Length C: 667 mm;
  • The number of plates 1 m 2: 3.
  • Thickness A: 100 mm;
  • width B: 500 mm;
  • Length C: 667 mm;
  • The number of plates 1 m 2: 3.
  • Thickness A: 80 mm;
  • width B: 300 mm;
  • Length C: 900 mm;
  • number of plates 1 m 2: 3.7.

KNAUF Choose from the list of the selected centers of the KNAUF CIS group, or make your own selection. Address: 143400, RF,

Hydrophobicated slabs

High moisture absorption is a characteristic of porous materials derived from minerals, which has an adverse effect on their ability to insulate against heat. Mineral wool insulation is impregnated with unique modifiers and water-repellent compositions to increase its durability. This kind of eco-friendly processing makes it possible to make the material water resistant.

Binding synthetic resins are used to secure the fibers in hydrophobicized mineral wool slabs before they are heat treated and pressed. The resultant mineral wool stays on the surface and does not absorb moisture.

Different Hydrophobized Plate Varieties:

Mineral wool is used to create light hydrophobicated plates, which are non-combustible and have a variety of applications. It is applied to buildings with pitched roofs that do not bear heavy loads. Such material helps to insulate attic spaces in an efficient manner. By warming the roof and preventing condensate formation in the winter and overheating in the summer, the material provides the profile sheet roof with extra benefits.

Because of their stiffness, hard, non-combustible hydrophobicated slabs made of mineral wool maintain their shape under load. They are suitable for thermal insulation that is loaded. The material is made up of two layers: an inner layer that is lighter and more flexible than the outer layer. This design makes the installation process easier and lowers the overall weight of the plates.

When installing flat roofs, the strength and thermal insulation qualities of hydrophobized mineral wool are highly prized. During installation and operation, you can level point loads on the roof thanks to the material’s hardness.

Heat-insulating, non-combustible, hydrophobized mineral wool plates made by Mineral Wool – LLC Teploproy

Thermal insulation materials for sale in Moscow. The Ministry provided insulation and thermal insulation for the walls. Costs and attributes.

A contemporary solution to the long-standing issue of moisture infiltration in roofs is provided by hydrophobicated slabs. Concrete and other slab materials can be made to resist water absorption by applying hydrophobic agents to them. This invention is especially helpful in areas with high humidity or frequent heavy rains, as traditional slabs may eventually deteriorate from exposure to moisture.

Water cannot seep into the material because of the protective barrier that hydrophobic treatments create on the slab’s surface. This lowers maintenance expenses related to water damage in addition to extending the slabs’ lifespan. Both builders and homeowners value the strength and dependability of hydrophobicated slabs because they know they offer improved defense against weather-related deterioration.

Hydrophobic treatments on slabs not only increase durability but also improve building energy efficiency. These slabs lessen the strain on heating and cooling systems by keeping moisture out and assisting in the maintenance of consistent interior temperatures. Because hydrophobicated slabs are both durable and energy-efficient, they are a sustainable option for contemporary building projects.

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Alexander Sorokin

The owner of the roofing company, an expert in the roofing markets. I'll tell you about the novelties of the roofing industry and help you choose the best option for your home.

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