Liquid rubber for waterproofing: reviews about material + features of application

Since liquid rubber is so simple to use and effective, it has become a popular option for waterproofing roofs. This adaptable material is perfect for both new construction and roof repairs because it offers a seamless barrier against water infiltration. Liquid rubber, in contrast to conventional roofing materials, adapts to any surface’s shape to provide complete coverage and protection.

Users have identified a number of important benefits of liquid rubber. It is incredibly resilient, able to withstand harsh weather and temperature changes without chipping or peeling. Long-term savings result from this durability because it lessens the need for recurring maintenance or replacements. Furthermore, liquid rubber is low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and has a low impact on air quality both during and after application, making it an environmentally friendly product.

Liquid rubber is easy to apply and doesn’t require any special tools other than those used for painting. Because it is liquid, it can be easily spread over different types of roofing materials, like asphalt, concrete, or metal. Its versatility allows it to be used with a variety of roof kinds and configurations. After application, liquid rubber solidifies into a seamless, flexible membrane that firmly adheres to the roof’s surface to form a durable barrier against water infiltration.

User reviews attest to the liquid rubber’s dependability in stopping leaks and extending the life of roofs. It is a favored option for both contractors and homeowners due to its versatility and capacity to stick to various substrates. Liquid rubber is a waterproofing solution that is still effective when used alone or in conjunction with other roof maintenance techniques to keep structures safe from water damage.

Advantages and disadvantages of innovation

First, let’s define roofing liquid rubber and assess how easy or difficult it is to install.

A high level of base adhesion is crucial. Water should therefore not spill beneath such a coating if it does so by accident. Unfortunately, if a membrane is being discussed, then it will be, and the membrane itself will not permit moisture to dry at this time. Instead, it will be incorrectly shielded from the sun.

However, liquid rubber creates a robust layer that adheres to the roof with consistency, so there shouldn’t be any water lenses beneath it. Of course, if you’ve followed technology to the letter.

This novel material, which is later named rubber, has a unique extension of up to 1650%; in actual use, a 5-centimeter piece of such film can stretch to a length of 80 cm! What value does it have for the roof? The insulating carpet is imperceptible to the eye, so no roofing material will be able to harm it. Even a tiny crack will eventually spread.

Concrete, metal, and wooden roofs can all benefit from the anti-corrosion protection provided by liquid rubber. Liquid rubber, which is sprayed using a cold technique as opposed to the more common bitumen, forms a seamless, holistic membrane on the roof surface very quickly and has a high adhesion to practically any material.

Finally, we obtain these beneficial characteristics of a liquid roof:

  • Absolute gas, water and vapor irrationality;
  • high resistance to ultraviolet and ozone rains;
  • Light weight (almost 4 times less than roller materials).
  • the ability to withstand thermal stress and aggressive environment;
  • fire safety and non -toxicity;
  • preservation of its structure without changing during its service life;
  • Smart-memory when the material independently adds to random holes!

"Sprayed" refers to rubber that is still liquid. Liquid rubber that complies with internationally recognized environmental standards won’t contain volatile compounds or solvents, which means it won’t release an offensive stench.

The elasticity of liquid rubber is simply remarkable, and its strength limit does not decrease with time. An older roof will have a harder coating, but it will still have some elasticity to it so the coating won’t peel or crumble.

Because of all of this, liquid rubber for roofs is guaranteed. Liquid rubber is obviously more expensive than a lot of other roofing coatings, but it endures longer. Consequently, it is not so easy to determine whether such a purchase is economically feasible!

In contrast, 10,000 meters of seams result from using roll waterproofing every 1000 square meters. Put simply, there are up to 10 kilometers’ worth of hazardous areas, not to mention sporadic flaws.

In contrast to regular mastics and roofing materials, liquid rubber ages more slowly than other materials.

An additional noteworthy benefit is that liquid rubber remains intact even when subjected to vibration. For this reason, rubber is appropriately referred to as a "smart" building material. In the West, people have been using this kind of roof successfully for many years!

Consider this amusing video that demonstrates the creation of an inversion roof, where liquid rubber is the first and most crucial layer:

Real liquid rubber is frequently priced similarly to bitumen tiles, t.To. And it’s essentially the same life of service here.

Those who have previously examined the durability of the rubber roof concur that it is not possible to cover the roof with rolled materials year after year; instead, it is sufficient to set up a roller and high-quality composition once.

Because it’s an easy-to-apply material that works well for waterproofing roofs, liquid rubber is becoming more and more popular. This article examines first-hand accounts of liquid rubber, outlining its useful advantages and practical uses. Liquid rubber is a dependable solution for a variety of roofing needs, from caulking roof cracks to offering a strong barrier against water damage. Learn how this cutting-edge product, which is a favorite option for both professionals and homeowners, improves waterproofing efforts with easy-to-use application techniques and long-lasting results.

Why are bad reviews?

Regretfully, professional roofers frequently hold the view that liquid rubber is wholly unsuitable for waterproofing roofs. Furthermore, over 80% of the joints flow at the conclusion of such operations.

However, let’s address this idea first. Liquid rubber is actually intended for mass consumption and frequently refers to broader ideas than is appropriate. Liquid rubber is commonly referred to as any similar mastic that satisfies the following requirements: it is elastic, waterproof, and able to stretch.

Furthermore, even though such roofing materials are made of rubber, they frequently have nothing to do with rubber itself. As a result, it would be accurate to refer to this type of material as seamless waterproofing, as the manufacturers intended, although the term did not catch on with the general public.

One of the most frequent errors, for instance, is to believe that liquid rubber is a blend of latex and bitumen. Furthermore, in an attempt to draw in customers, even the producers are able to assert that they create precisely "liquid rubber."

Indeed, this composition does not have much resistance to ultraviolet light. Additionally, their commercials demonstrate how simple it is to remove this kind of rubber in the shape of a film from the surface! What adhesion is then up for discussion.

Since real liquid rubber does not crack in the frost or flow off the roof in extremely hot weather, Yakutia has fortunately already had success with its use. Unlike bitumen, liquid rubber never goes bad. This is a unique polymer that prevents essential oils from evaporating. Because of this, a roof of this kind lasts for at least 20 years:

Furthermore, liquid rubber originated in a country with some of the strictest environmental and fire safety regulations. Because of this, imported equivalents are non-toxic and non-combustible, making them safe for both people and plants. They are so good that setting up a fake pond and a drinking water tank is also appropriate.

Furthermore, liquid rubber for roofing should not be confused with a product as narrowly focused as the DIP plate and its equivalents. This is actually liquid rubber, but it’s meant for automobiles only; the roof isn’t a good place for it. Yes, a thin film can be used to remove this rubber with ease. Serious adhesion is not necessary for her.

Occasionally, a salt solution may be used to prepare the liquid rubber for the roof; the resulting drips will stay on the roof. In fact, there is a salt in certain rubber brands that is actually divorced from 1/100—that is, very slightly. There are no chemicals in the rubber roof that dissolve in water. Take note—this is significantly different from the widely used rubber paint!

Market review – what products trust?

Because different manufacturers have different opinions about what makes up liquid rubber, the final product’s quality will also vary. Technoprok, Hermotechno, Hermromstroy, and Well-C Technologies are the four companies that represent liquid tires on the domestic market. These are Liquid Rubber, Pazkar, Huske, and Premium Liquid Rubber’s authorized distributors.

Liquid Rubber: An elastomeric aqueous emulsion made of unique polymers and oil is known as liquid rubber.

The liquid rubber produced by Profyx and Syntomast is among the most well-known innovations in this field in Russia.

Syntomast liquid rubber is a cutting-edge polymer-based coating that is especially resilient to harsh environmental factors and atmospheric conditions. Simultaneously, these mastics are colored and highly sought after, mainly because designers appreciate the broad color scheme.

Additionally, they frequently choose the material to be used. As it turns out, Syntomast roof is actually a thick paste made of water that comes in 20 to 200 liter volumes and comes in the colors red, beige, blue, white, green, and black.

Profix is the second well-known domestic brand of two-component liquid rubber. As they say, "from the foundation to the roof," it was developed.

Additionally well-known for its superior qualities, GPSPRAYKOTE liquid rubber is suggested for use with Russian Federation Ministry of Defense equipment. Because it is formulated as a polymer-biomatic water emulsion, it is applied cold using a sprayer. is unique from its counterparts in that it cures instantly.

Liquid rubber produced domestically with imported technologies has received positive reviews. Its foundation is a water emulsion made of UV and aggressive media- and media-resistant polymers and refined modified bitumen.

Another "element" that becomes popular is liquid rubber. This material is based on a rubber that has been modified to produce nanorobots in a factory.

And lastly, one more well-liked item. Technoprok, a company, used to import liquid rubber from overseas but has since started producing it on its own in Russia. Reviews also indicate that it is of fairly high quality.

When this coating dries to the touch, it is more rigid than its imported counterparts. That is the only distinction. By the way, Israeli liquid rubber Rapidflex, t.To., is frequently used to compare techno-proof. Their qualities are remarkably similar.

Positive feedback has been received regarding liquid rubber’s ability to effectively waterproof a variety of surfaces, including roofs. Its smooth application creates a strong barrier against moisture, stopping leaks and prolonging the roof’s life. Customers value how simple it is to apply—it can be sprayed, brushed, or rolled onto surfaces—and how adaptable it is for a variety of roofs and building types.

One of liquid rubber’s most notable qualities is its strong adhesion to a variety of surfaces, including concrete, metal, and wood, which results in a flexible yet durable waterproof membrane. Because of its adaptability, it will be able to endure the harshness of weather and temperature fluctuations while holding onto its protective qualities over time. It is a recommended option for both residential and commercial roofing projects because of its dependability.

Furthermore, liquid rubber is prized for its environmentally beneficial qualities. It is frequently made with a low volatile organic compound (VOC) content, which makes it safer for the environment and people when applied. Its resilience to UV rays and durability further improve its sustainability by lowering the need for regular replacements and repairs and, consequently, total maintenance costs.

In summary, liquid rubber sticks out as a flexible and dependable roof waterproofing option. In addition to providing moisture protection, its smooth application, robust adhesion, and environmentally friendly composition extend the life of roofing systems. Positive evaluations highlight its efficacy in offering long-lasting waterproofing solutions for a range of roofing needs, regardless of whether it is utilized for new installations or roof maintenance.

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Alexander Sorokin

The owner of the roofing company, an expert in the roofing markets. I'll tell you about the novelties of the roofing industry and help you choose the best option for your home.

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