Fastening of monolithic polycarbonate

In roofing and construction projects, monolithic polycarbonate sheet fastening is essential for guaranteeing longevity and functionality. These sheets are widely used in a variety of applications, from outdoor shelters to greenhouse roofing, thanks to their excellent impact resistance and lightweight nature. In addition to protecting the sheets from wind and weather, proper fastening stops structural deterioration over time.

The selection of materials and installation technique is crucial when it comes to fastening monolithic polycarbonate. Because they can withstand outdoor elements, corrosion resistance is a major factor in the preference for stainless steel or galvanized screws. In order to ensure a secure attachment without compromising the material, these screws should be chosen taking into account the thickness of the polycarbonate sheets and the type of underlying structure.

The location and spacing of the screws along the sheets is an important factor to take into account when attaching polycarbonate. Screws are typically placed at the crests of the corrugations or at predetermined intervals along the sheet edges. By distributing loads uniformly across the surface, this deliberate placement lessens stress concentrations that may eventually cause cracking or breaking.

Additionally, pilot holes should be pre-drilled during the installation process to make room for the screws. This step is essential because improper handling of polycarbonate can cause it to break during the fastening process. Drill depth and size should be carefully considered to guarantee a tight fit for the screws without sacrificing the sheets’ structural integrity.

Finally, it is advised to finish and seal the areas that have been fastened in order to improve weather resistance and stop moisture infiltration. To create a watertight seal, weatherproofing materials can be applied around screw heads and edges using silicone sealants or specialized tapes compatible with polycarbonate. This extra measure guarantees the best possible performance of the polycarbonate roofing system and contributes to the installation’s longevity.

Tools Needed Procedure
Electric drill, screws, washers 1. Drill holes in polycarbonate sheet near edges. 2. Position sheet on roof, ensuring overlap. 3. Secure with screws and washers at regular intervals.

Proper fasteners of polycarbonate to metal – features of fastening to a metal frame

Today, polycarbonate is very popular, which makes sense given its unique properties. It is flexible and light, transparent like glass, and strong like metal. Furthermore, polycarbonate can tolerate temperatures ranging from -45 to +120 0 C.

The application of polycarbonate is rather broad in this sense. Arched and domed canopies, different visors, stairwells, advertising structures, greenhouses, and fences can all be made with it.

Panel orientation

Ribs of stiffness made of polycarbonate are spaced out in length. It is vital to position the hollow channels correctly in order to maximize the structure’s strength:

  • If the panel is installed vertically, then the channels are located vertically.
  • In arcuate structures, channels should be parallel to the bending line.
  • In the designs of an inclined type – in the direction of the slope.

Polycarbonate, which has an ultraviolet-ray-blocking film made of special substances on the outside, should be used when building external structures. The manufacturer provides all the information that is required on it. The film is not removed during the installation process to ensure that polycarbonate sheets are installed correctly.

Tilt angle

Flat polycarbonate roofs are required to have a specific inclination angle. The slope can be five degrees as long as the structure is not longer than six meters. If not, the inclination angle needs to be raised.

Permissible bending of an arch from polycarbonate

Theoretically, the radius of the arched structure’s bend could not exceed 150 thicknesses of the material that was used.

On a protective film, the manufacturer lists the suitable parameters for each type of polycarbonate. It is therefore best to concentrate on this data.

Polycarbonate cutting tools

The ideal way to cut polycarbonate is with specialized tools:

  • Panels with a thickness of not more than 1 cm are cut with a construction knife. However, with large volumes of work with such a tool, it is better not to use.
  • The most affordable tool is an electrician.
  • If there is an opportunity to purchase a high -speed saw with an emphasis, then you should pay attention to the cloves of the blade. They must be small, not divorced and have a coating of a solid alloy.
  • When cutting polycarbonate with a tape saw, you also need to know the corresponding parameters. It is allowed to use a tape with a width of no more than 2 cm and a thickness of not more than 1.5 mm. The teeth should be located with a step of not more than 3.5 mm, and the cutting speed should not exceed 1000 meters per minute.

To prevent vibration formation, a polycarbonate sheet needs to be securely fastened before being cut. Chips that developed during cutting must be removed right away.

Rules for drilling holes

It is necessary to drill holes in polycarbonate between stiffeners. At least twice the drill’s diameter should separate you from the edge.

The following are the requirements for drilling holes:

  • Sharpening of the drill should have an angle of 30 0 .
  • It is necessary to drill holes strictly at a right angle at a speed of not more than 40 m/min.
  • The diameter of the hole must be selected so that it exceeds the similar parameter of the mounting element by 3 mm.
  • Work should be periodically interrupted to remove the formed chips and cool the drill.

The process of sealing the ends of the sheet

The manufacturer uses temporary adhesive tape to protect the ends of the polycarbonate sheets during storage and transportation; this tape must be removed before sealing can begin.

Adhesive aluminum tape is used to seal the material’s upper edges, and perforated tape is used to seal the lower ends. The end profile covers the ends over the tape if they are not inserted into the groove or profile. In this instance, holes are drilled 30 centimeters apart in the lower profile to allow condensation to escape.

All edges in designs of the Archak type must be sealed by comparison with the lower end.

Fastening of cellular polycarbonate to a metal frame

Polycarbonate fasteners to metal must be used with tools with a galvanized or stainless steel drill tip at the end. Rubber washers that are required or thermo-haired are utilized.

The fasteners are spaced 40–60 cm apart from one another, so keep that in mind when figuring out how far apart to attach polycarbonate. Simultaneously, screw the self-tapping screw firmly at right angles, without exerting extra force at the twist’s conclusion. By doing this, surface deformation will be lessened.

Rules for fastening monolithic polycarbonate

There are multiple approaches used to address the problem of correctly attaching polycarbonate to metal.

Observing a fast on the frame

Monolithic polycarbonate can be secured to a metal frame in the shape of a frame. The primary requirement is that grooves up to 2.5 cm deep must be made in the frame.

One of two methods can be used to secure the sheet in the frame:

  • With a wet method of the edge of the frame and seals, treated with a polymer putty or silicone sealant. This option can be used on wooden or metal frames.
  • A dry method involves the use of fasteners, such as screws, bolts, nuts, screws and press shabes. This option has one feature: the obligatory presence of rubber gaskets or plastic profiles in which there are no plasticizers. It is not allowed to glue the seal to the polycarbonate sheet. Fasteners should be located at a distance of 0.5 meters from each other. The recommended indentation from the edge is at least 2 cm. Using this method, you can solve the problem of how to fix polycarbonate on a canopy.

Utilizing a crate or support to mount panels

Fasteners can be used to attach monolithic polycarbonate, as with the frame, if a sizable area is covered in the material.

Polycarbonate is applied to small structures using double-sided tape or polyamide glue. Silicone glue can be used for external work because it is more resilient to different atmospheric phenomena.

If you need more transparency when fastening, you can use glue based on polyurethane. However, isopropyl alcohol is used to degrade the glued surfaces prior to use.

Varieties of fasteners for fastening polycarbonate to metal

Thermally shaped fasteners are used to attach polycarbonate to a metal frame. There shouldn’t be more than 30 to 40 centimeters separating the fasteners.

This approach has one disadvantage: it might not look very appealing inside the space. This results from connecting profiles and the frame in an inconsistent manner.

Profile fastening is the process of attaching profiles made of polycarbonate or aluminum to a metal frame, into which panels are subsequently inserted. In this instance, you must understand the metal’s attachment to the polycarbonate.

The panel’s departure from the grooves with increased load on the polycarbonate surface can be referred to as this method’s drawback.

To make up for their differences, both approaches are used in mixed polycarbonate fastening.

Materials for mounting panels

Use the following to find a solution to the problem of how to attach polycarbonate to metal:

  • Different types of profile, including end, corner, connecting, wall and skate.
  • Fasteners in the form of thermo-shayb and mini.
  • Different types of plugs.
  • Adhesive tape for ends, including perforated tape for the lower edges.
  • Seals for the profile.

Profile kinds and their functions

  • With the help of end profiles, the edges of polycarbonate are protected, and the short shelf is always located outside.
  • Connecting profiles can be detachable universal or continuous N-shaped. They are designed to connect the edges of the panels. It is important to remember that only detachable profiles can be attached to the frame.
  • The corner profile allows you to connect the elements at right angles.
  • The wall profile makes it possible to tightly join the panel to the wall. Can be used as a end profile.
  • The ridge profile is necessary for connecting the panels on the roof skate, provided that the elements are connected at an angle more than 90 0 .

Several kinds of thermo-shayb are used to attach policarbonate to metal. The following characteristics of these fasteners can differ:

  • Constructive features allow you to distinguish individual and universal thermals. In the first case, the element has a length in accordance with the thickness of the sheet, which prevents the piercing or deformation of polycarbonate. The second option does not have a leg, therefore, it can be used for the material of any thickness.
  • Depending on the manufacturing material, fasteners can be made of stainless steel (to cover large areas), from polycarbonate (ensure the tightness of the connection without damage to the panel), polypropylene (for the work of the room or in the shade).
  • Mini-shabes are used for panels of slight thickness.

Plugs are required to give the structure aesthetic appeal and shield the profile ends from dust, water, and insects.

How to fix the panels on a canopy

Certain installation guidelines must be followed since high temperatures can cause a specific change in polycarbonate:

  • Mandatory presence of gaps.
  • Enlarged fasteners for fasteners.
  • Use of thermo -shayb.
  • Application of special types of profile.

In order to ensure a high-quality panel installation, you must ensure that the purchased material is stored correctly:

  • Lay the sheets on a flat surface up with a protective film.
  • The height of the stack should not exceed 2.5 meters.
  • Store material in a dry ventilated room far from heating devices.
  • It is not recommended to cover the material with polyethylene.

Furthermore, keep in mind that the panel’s protective coating is only removed at the conclusion of the installation process.

The compatibility of the materials used has a major impact on the quality of the work. Consequently, the use of PVC, polycarbonate polyurethane, acrylic, and Amin-based sealants is prohibited.

The frame of the frame should be assembled with consideration for different load types, temperature exposure, material dimensions, allowable bending radius, and wastewater direction. Understanding the proper distance to fix polycarbonate is crucial.

When working with polycarbonate, the ideal temperature range is +10 to +20 0 C.

Should the material need to be moved on the surface, it has a length of approximately three meters and a width of four meters. Using a soft cloth to cover them is the best option.

After removing the protective film, you can use a neutral detergent to remove any remaining glue. You can use a soft cloth to wipe the surface after cleaning.

How to properly attach polycarbonatefasteners to metal: how to attach them through what distance on a canopy, how to attach them to a metal frame, and how to attach monolithic and cellular polycarbonate

How to properly attach polycarbonatefasteners to metal: how to attach them through what distance on a canopy, how to attach them to a metal frame, and how to attach monolithic and cellular polycarbonate

How to fix polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is a material that is increasingly being used in construction and maintenance projects these days. Since polycarbonate is known for having excellent operating qualities, it is frequently used to build arbors, awnings, and other structures. Nevertheless, many people run into problems when trying to fix polycarbonate.

Varieties of material

Depending on its type, polycarbonate can be either monolithic or cellular, and each has unique properties. The structure has a feature. The term "honeycomb" refers to the space created by two thin polymer sheets joined by longitudinal jumpers to form cellular polycarbonate. Monolithic polycarbonate is a complete leaf; it is nearly transparent and has a strength comparable to a cell phone.

There are two types of polycarbonate, and each type requires a different method of fastening.

Rules for fastening and preparation of sheets

It’s crucial to understand that stiff ribs run the length of the sheet in cellular polycarbonate.

Since the monolithic polycarbonate sheet spans an entire leaf, its location is unregulated.

Once the sheets’ precise location has been established, a measurement is made, and based on that measurement, sheets may need to be cut.

Considering that polycarbonate sheets are produced in standard sizes, cutting is one of the most crucial steps in the installation process. Because the sheets are well-laid upon cutting if generated by a specialized cutting tool, its execution can be referred to as non-rustic business. A circular high-speed saw can be used as a cutting tool.

Drilling cellular polycarbonate sheets is the trickiest process that needs careful attention. Drilling a hole between the stiffeners is necessary. It is essential to seal the ends of cellular polycarbonate, which can be accomplished with a continuous glue tape.

There should be multiple holes made in the end profile for the condensate to be visible.

Methods of fastening

One method for fixing cellular polycarbonate is the dot method. We can refer to such a mount as the most basic. Standard self-tapping screws with a thermo-haired are used for its implementation. Thermo-shabes not only eliminate the "cold bridge," but they also enable you to create a good sealing of the area where they are installed without crushing the surface with the self-tapping screw.

Specific profiles are used to seal the joints between the sheets, and profiles of profiles are also used to seal the edges. For these purposes, the profile may be inexpressible or detachable.

The base and cover are the two main components of the detachable profile. Self-tapping screws hold the base in place against the frame. In this instance, there is a step of approximately 30 cm, but not less. The sheet is 2 centimeters drawn into the base. A lid seals the base shut. It’s easy to close the lid.

Additionally, the ineffective profile is fastened to the frame with thermo-haired self-tapping screws. The intermediate sheets are affixed using the spot method, and the polycarbonate sheet’s edges are connected.

Method of fastening monolithic polycarbonate

Monolithic polycarbonate installations come in two varieties: humid and dry.

  1. Dry type of installation implies a connection using special profiles with a rubber gasket. Bolts, nuts or screws are also used. This method is the most careful.
  2. The wet method consists in attaching a polycarbonate sheet for a special mixture, namely a polymer putty. After drying, the seams are additionally smeared with a sealed composition on a silicone basis. Instead, you can apply a special strip or gasket to create sealing seams.

If a coating of monolithic polycarbonate is applied to the frame structure, cellular polycarbonate can be fastened in a point manner to create a mount. The distance between the connections in this instance should be roughly 50 cm.

Joints need to be connected with consideration for size changes brought on by temperature drops.

How to fix polycarbonate – basic tips

Preparatory stage

The monolithic version has a continuous structure, just like regular glass, but because of its polymer basis, it is much stronger and easier to work with than regular glass. Its flexibility also gives it a greater resistance to physical effects. In public and residential buildings, as well as in retail, entertainment, and scientific complexes, these elements completely replace glass.

The component of cellular design is two thin plates with free space between them that are joined by unique stiffeners.

This substance is frequently used in summer homes, domestic and utility rooms, and construction—particularly for coating greenhouse complexes.

How to orient the panels

Polycarbonate’s cellular elements are rigid due to ribs running the length of the material; therefore, when installing, the elements must always be positioned so that any hollow channels inside of them have an outflow point outside. The necessity to remove condensate from them—which can form as a result of the temperature differential—dictates this requirement.

The vertical ribs that provide stiffness also have to be installed when installing plates like vertical glazing. It is always necessary to orient them so that the internal hollow channels go along the slopes or along the arch of the frame, respectively, when fixing on the frame as a slope or arch.

The manufacturing technology of today suggests that both the front and the inside of each of them are present, as do monolithic and cellular panels. The first one is identified from the others by the presence of a special protective coating in the form of a marking-adorned film that provides protection up until the point of complete installation and is then removed.

Installing polycarbonate panels as an arched structure requires consideration; the maximum radius to bend for a given type of material specified in its marking should never be exceeded.

1. Using cutting sheets

One of the primary tasks when working with polymer plates is cutting the standard sheets—which are typically larger than needed—into pieces of the appropriate sizes. This process must be carried out both when building a greenhouse and when manually attaching a polycarbonate roof.

Because the material is easily cut, cutting the best pieces from a solid panel is a very easy process. You can use a variety of cutting tools for this, such as an electric jigsaw or grinder or a manual hacksaw.

No matter which tool is used to cut the polymer, vibrations of the material will inevitably occur during the process. These vibrations can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the cuts and cause issues when installing and fitting ready-made parts, even launching some of them. Therefore, the material is previously reliably fixed in order to make the task as much as possible and level side fluctuations.

When it comes to cellular structures, the cavity in the resulting elements is opened and the chips are removed. This is because if the chips stay clogged, it will be difficult to remove condensate and moisture will build up inside the plates. This is especially dangerous when it freezes, as the water that freezes inside the panel can cause damage.

2. Ensuring the ends are sealed

The ends of cellular plates must be sealed. The top one can be sealed with regular tape, while the bottom one should be sealed with a specific tape designed to allow moisture that condenses inside the sheet to escape.

Cellular polycarbonate fastening

1. How and where the carbonate can be fixed

Carbonate plates can be fixed to structures made of nearly any material; the type of plate only influences the fastener selection. Typically, these are self-captive stinging wood or metal screws; however, the kit comes with special thermal-haired screws with a rubberized surface.

Thermal-haired animals have unique legs that are chosen based on size to match the panel thickness that they are fixed to. In addition to shielding the sheet’s structure from undue deformation, this design lowers heat losses by coming into direct contact with the self-tapping screw, which in this instance serves as a cold conductor through the polycarbonate.

Consequently, self-tapping screws with thermo-hawks are a universal mount, independent of the type of material used for the polymer-sheathed bearing surface.

It is best to install by screwing screws into plastic that has already been pre-drilled and meets the following specifications:

  1. Firstly, holes can only be drilled between stiffeners, and only at a distance from the edge of the plate at least 4 cm.
  2. Secondly, the holes should include the temperature expansion of the material, which should be able to move on the mounts due to the fact that the hole in it is a millimeter of a half more than the diameter of the leg of thermal-haired.
  3. In the case of a large length of the plastic hole in it, for fixation, there should be a difficult large diameter, but also a longitudinally elongated shape.
  4. When drilling, it is extremely important to observe the most right angle of the hole with an error of not more than 20 degrees, otherwise a distortion will occur when fixing the washer, and the panel will not be reliably attached to the supporting structure.

With an understanding of polycarbonate fixation technology, sheathing nearly any structure can be done with ease and dependability. To use the panels for these purposes, you will also need to possess the technology that docks them together. This technology consists of unique elements, such as profiles that can be detached or fixed.

Panels that range in thickness from 4 to 10 mm are utilized with the first. The second is that the "Poliskop" profiles can join plates ranging in thickness from 6 to 16 mm. Detachable profiles are put together from two parts: the bottom, which serves as the base, and the top, which is the cover with the latch.

These polymer connecting profiles are appropriate for totally sheer surfaces, but they are required for the assembly of arched or pitched structures. A single latch, fastened with screws, joins two panels that range in width from 50 to 105 centimeters. An angular docking profile and, if the panels are adjacent to a wall, a special wall are produced when the panels mate at a 90-degree angle.

The removable profile fixing technology is integrated into multiple operations:

  1. Drilling holes for self -tapping screw at the basis.
  2. Fixation of the base on the longitudinal structure and laying of panels with a gap of 5 mm, required to compensate for thermal expansion of the material.
  3. Clicking with a wooden kiyanka profile cover.
  4. Temperature value.

2. Can the sheets be secured to overlap?

Instead of using unique fitting profiles, the greenhouse of the plates is frequently mounted on top of each other when lining with cellular polycarbonate. This is the best option, but it is only feasible if the sheets have a thickness of no more than 6 mm. This is because the thinner the sheets are, the more flexible they are, allowing them to "walk" or even jump out of the fixing profile.

However, using such a technique on thick polymer plates with a thickness of 8 mm or more will result in very noticeable "steps" because of the overlap, which can only be resolved by using the connecting profile.

You should be aware that using the overlap method to fasten polycarbonate sheets can result in the following outcomes:

  1. Firstly, with this method, the tightness of the sheathed structure will always be violated, up to a draft, complete blowing of internal heat and even clogging under the lining of the structure of garbage and precipitation;
  2. Secondly, the sheets fixed to the overlap experience a significantly greater effect on the part of the gusts of wind, which means that with insufficiently powerful fixation they can be divorced or broken.

Fastening of monolithic polycarbonate

1. How and where the carbonate can be fixed

There are two mounting techniques for monolithic carbonate, but they all need a supporting frame as their foundation to ensure a stable plate fixation:

  1. The first method – “Wet”, implies the use of special polymer lubrication. Installation of elements in this case is organized with gaps that compensate for the expansion of the material under the influence of temperature. This option is appropriate and when inserting a polymer plate into a wooden frame. In the case of a metal frame, rubber gaskets are used in combination with a sealant, which is applied to the internal and outer clipped surface.
  2. The second method – “dry” installation, does not require any sealant and makes it possible to install the panel directly on the rubber seal. Since the design itself is not airtight, it provides for drainage for water drainage.

2. Can the sheets be secured to overlap?

The thermoplastic material polycarbonate changes size in response to temperature changes. As a result, it contracts in the winter and expands in the summer. It is highly likely that the sheets will eventually get damaged if this fact is ignored when attaching them.

This is particularly true for polymer monolithic elements, which lack constructive flexibility in the form of voids and profiles in addition to having a higher expansion coefficient. As a result, it is not possible to use them in conjunction with hard mount overlap technology.

Polycarbonate is a simple, resilient material that can be used in a temperature range of -40 to +120 degrees Celsius depending on the ambient conditions. Its foundation, a polymer, can, however, expand and compress in response to temperature changes; this property is represented by its expansion coefficient, which is 0.065 mm per degree of temperature change for every meter of sheet.

As a result, you must multiply the maximum annual temperature difference by 0.065 mm in order to determine real expansion. For instance, when installing in an area with moderate temperatures (between -40 and +50 degrees)

Celsius, there should be roughly 6 mm of space between each plastic linear meter. When painting, the sheets heat up an additional 10 to 15 degrees on average, which causes them to expand more—roughly 6.5 mm per meter plates.

Phase of preparation and panel orientation. cellular and monolithic polycarbonate fastening. sensible guidance.

Polycarbonate: mount according to the rules

When people discuss polycarbonate in daily life, they typically refer to leaf thermoplastic polymer material, which is widely used in advertising, modern construction, and a variety of other industries. There are two varieties of polycarbonate sheets available in the market: cellular and monolithic. Monolithic polycarbonate is a continuous transparent sheet with a look similar to glass but with a lot more strength and ease of use. possesses excellent flexibility and a high impact resistance. The internal structure of cellular polycarbonate is a multilayer structure with longitudinal stiffeners. It is a hollow sheet.

Sheets made of polycarbanate exhibit exceptional flexibility and a high resistance to impacts.

Glass is most frequently replaced with monolithic polycarbonate in gyms, swimming pools, and educational and medical facilities. It is installed in windows of shopping centers. Most often, cellular polycarbonate is utilized in the construction of auxiliary and commercial purposes. This substance is used to coat greenhouses, greenhouses, translucent canopies, and other structures of a like kind in the fields of summer homes and individual construction. The design in which polycarbonate will be used and the operating environment will determine the best way to fix it.

Methods of fastening monolithic polycarbonate

The application of heat is one technique for joining polycarbonate.

It is also implied that this material is consolidated using structures meant for regular glass when it is used in place of glass for light-permeable fences, partitions, and showcases. These are either holders of different performances that are fixed in the proper position, or frame structures into which the sheets are inserted and then attached. Recognize the differences between "wet" and "dry" monolithic polycarbonate installation and fastening techniques.

The sheet is put into the frame using the "wet" method, which involves applying a compatible polymer putty around the entire edge of the material and the frame. After that, the compounds receive additional treatment with a sealant made of silicone. For total sealing, rubber strips or unique profile gaskets can also be used.

Only mechanical fastening tools, which combine rubber gaskets and profiled seals with a variety of profiles and other components, are utilized in the "dry" method. Using these tools, threaded connections (bolts, nuts), screws, and other similar components are used to secure the sheets. This approach to sheet fixing is more orderly and tidy. To prevent deformation or destruction of the polycarbonate, gaps must be left for potential thermal expansion in order to properly fasten the sheets using both fastening methods.

Drilling holes in the polycarbonate sheets is required before beginning installation so they can be fastened to the frame.

Using standard fasteners (bolts, screws, screws) and rubber sealing goals, sheets can be fastened to frame structures (greenhouses, verandas, etc.) vertically and on the roof thanks to the transmission coatings of monolithic polycarbonate used as transmitted coatings. The frame mounting step ought to be roughly 500 mm.

Drilling holes beforehand in the sheets is a necessary step. To account for temperature variations in the sheet’s dimensions, the hole should be at least 20 mm from the edge and 2-3 mm bigger than the fastener element’s diameter. It is practical to control the heating of the drilling zone by using a low speed polycarbonate drill for wood. When fastened in accordance with the guidelines, the sheets fit the frame snugly without requiring undue fastening. The leaf press and the fastener hole size shouldn’t be able to stop the sheet from shifting "temperature."

Methods for fastening cellular polycarbonate

Point mount is the simplest method of attaching this kind of polycarbonate. Self-tapping screws with unique thermo-mushrooms are used in it. Simultaneously, dependable sheet fastening, sealing the fastening location, removal of the "cold bridge," and avoidance of sheet crushing are all accomplished. The use of a thermo-shayba, which consists of a plastic washer with a leg, a sealing washer, and a lid that seals the hole for the self-tapping screw, ensures all of this.

A plastic washer’s leg should match the thickness of the sheet, and the hole beneath the leg should be two to three millimeters bigger than the diameter. Oval-shaped holes are formed along the stiffness ribs in sheets extending a considerable distance beneath the legs. The sheet mounting step is 400 mm or so. It is not acceptable to tighten the screws extremely firmly before crushing the sheet. Installing self-tapping screws requires staying 40 mm away from the sheet’s edge.

Special joint profiles are used to join panels that have been laid out in multiple rows and have a large coating area.

The edges of the panels are also secured with their assistance. Profiles are removable and limitless. Using self-tapping screws with thermally shaped sheets fastened at the points, unique profiles are fastened to the frame. The panels’ edges are pinched using profiles, and if required, a point method is used to attach them to the panel frame’s intermediate elements.

The "base" and "cover" are the two components of the detachable profile used to fasten polycarbonate. Self-tapping screws are used to fasten the "Base" in a step of roughly 300 mm to the frame. Everybody enters the "base" for roughly 20 mm thanks to the arrangement of the panels. Installed on the base, the profile’s "lid" is filled with light strikes or pressings of wooden (plastic) kiyanka. Aluminum and polycarbonate are both used to make detective profiles.

Apart from docking profiles, specific profiles are available for panel fastening at locations where the frame’s configuration varies. A fastener profile is utilized in order to fasten the panel to the wall. Angular profiles are used to join and secure the panels at an angle to one another. Additionally, the skate profile is used to adorn the roof’s ridge. It can be mounted at various angles depending on the roof’s slope, unlike walls and corners.

What you need to remember firmly

It is important to keep in mind that the temperature of the surrounding environment can alter the linear dimensions of polycarbonate when joining panels together, as well as when joining profiles and other structural components. All potential points of contact between polycarbonate and adjacent elements must have heat gaps in order to properly install the panels and prevent deformation and breakdown. A minimum gap of 3.5 mm should be maintained in any direction for every meter of panel length. Furthermore, it is improper to clamp panels with fixing elements that could cause temperature stresses.

In cellular polycarbonate, fastener holes should always be drilled in the space between the partitions, never in the partition itself. The use of thermo-shayb during a point mount is necessary for cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of 4–10 mm. It is advised that panels 16 mm or thicker be fastened using techniques other than thermo-shayb, like using specific profiles. Specific parts give the structure a lovely appearance, guarantee durability, and enable proper fastening.

The design that uses polycarbonate and the question of how to fix it are intrinsically linked. In the suggested article, various methods of attaching monolithic and cellular polycarbonate are covered in detail.

The longevity and structural integrity of monolithic polycarbonate sheets are contingent upon appropriate fastening techniques. You can improve your roofing or glazing project’s performance and durability by using the appropriate methods and supplies.

First, choose the right fasteners that are made especially for polycarbonate sheets. EPDM or neoprene washers are usually recommended for preventing water infiltration and preserving a tight seal. Metal washers should not be used alone since thermal expansion over time can result in stress fractures.

To avoid cracking, keep the polycarbonate sheet’s edge at a proper distance—typically 20 to 30 mm—when drilling holes for fasteners. Drill holes a little bit bigger than the fastener’s diameter beforehand to promote heat movement and prevent stress concentrations.

Make sure the fasteners are snug but not too tight, as this may cause the polycarbonate to distort. The objective is to establish a tight seal without applying excessive pressure that might jeopardize the structural integrity of the sheet.

Make sure the seals and fastenings hold up over time by giving them a regular inspection. Check for signs of stress or movement on a regular basis, particularly in areas exposed to the elements or structural loads. If any fasteners or seals become damaged, replace them right away to stop water leaks and keep your polycarbonate roofing or windows functioning properly.

In "All about the Roof," we examine the crucial techniques and factors to take into account when securely fastening monolithic polycarbonate sheets. Whether you’re installing these lightweight yet sturdy panels for a brand-new roofing project or an upgrade, knowing the right installation techniques guarantees longevity and durability. This manual provides useful advice on selecting the best fasteners, readying surfaces for installation, and preserving structural integrity, enabling both pros and do-it-yourselfers to get the best results."

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Denis Shcherbakov

Professional roofer with 20 years of experience. I know everything about the installation, repair and maintenance of various types of roofs. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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